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Friday, 14 March 2008

President's Opening Address by Foong Yin, VPM

2008. A new year. Our club has just celebrated our 15th birthday. We celebrated simply. Yes, simply by having great fun at Robert's place with a number of members and their families.

Yes, family, our families. Even a few members who had just hurt themselves came for the celebration. And all of us made that choice to be with us - members of Tampines Changkat Toastmasters.

What is it that binds us together?I believe it all started with a choice we all made...

In my absence, Foong Yin as acting President, delivered the meeting's opening address on my behalf. She spoke about choices. It was easily one of the best opening addresses I had heard in the Toastmasters circle. I encourage you to read her speech below and remember the choice we had all made before.

More importantly, I encourage you to ask yourselves how strongly that choice you made has improved your lives and the people around you. Look deep inside and discover the answer for yourselves.

With permission from Foong Yin.

Good evening, District Governor, fellow Toastmasters, ladies and gentlemen.
I am Foong Yin, Vice President Membership of Tampines Changkat Toastmasters. I am here this evening to deliver the opening address for our 323rd chapter meeting on behalf of our President.
Tonight, I would like to share an interesting topic with you – “Choices in life”.
Before I begin, I would like to make two announcements. First, our member, Joshua Ng has replaced Baolun as our Vice President Public Relations. Due to personal commitment, Baolun has requested to take a break from Toastmasters. We wish him all the best. We would also like to take this opportunity to welcome Joshua to our EXCO.
Next, this new year, 2008, we have a new member. She is Veena! She was introduced to our club by our Treasurer, Vijaya. In this new year, I sincerely hope that our members will continue to actively introduce their colleagues, friends and loved ones to our big family. By doing that, not only are you doing your part for the club, you are also giving them one of the greatest gifts for the new year.
Tonight I want to share with you about the choices we make in our lives. When did you start making choices? Most of us had our parents decide which school we go to when we were younger. They even interfered our choice of CCA, then known as ECA (Extra Curriculum Activity). As we grew older, we began to tell our parents, “Mum, can you stop nagging? I want to take charge of my life and I want to make my own choice!”
We then start to make choices. We choose the career that we want to embark on. Some of you may need to try a few jobs before you find the right one that you can call a career, while others are luckier to “marry their first love”, which means they start and retire in the same job with the same level of passion and enthusiasm.
At the same time, we start looking out for our partner in life. Yes! We want to choose a life partner who is willing to share our joy as well as our grief. Finally, we will then be ready to say “I do”, facing the person we choose in the presence of the Justice of Peace.
Once the two important aspects in our lives, a career and a partner, have been chosen, what’s next? Is it a fulfilling career? Or it is something that can last for a life time like a life partner? So what it is exactly?
Ask yourself, have you already made such a choice or have you yet to decide or even find it? For me, I made this choice 2 years ago by joining Tampines Changkat Toastmasters. Since then, my confidence level has been raised greatly and my public speaking skills have improved gradually. Most importantly, I got to know a group of friends who made the same choice as I did.
I cannot illustrate fully how beneficial Toastmasters have been for me. Not unless you join us to have this exhilarating experience! Until the end of my journey, I know that this choice I made is for life. Therefore I urge you, my fellow Toastmasters and non-Toastmasters, to make joining Tampines Changkat Toastmasters your choice not for a year, 10 years or 20 years, but for a lifetime. Do enjoy the rest of the evening!
Toastmaster of the evening.

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