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Monday, 17 March 2008

Message from the District Governor, November 2007

In case there are still some of us who doesn't know that the current District Governor is from our club, especially the new members, here's an article he wrote on the first issue of the District's newsletter 80/80 Vision.

In his message, not only did he mention about the benefits of Toastmasters, but he gave a real example of how Toastmasters has changed the life of one of our members for the better.

Do read on. This is the first of two articles written by our District Governor, DTM Michael Wee.

Reproduced with permission.

80 / 80 Vision
November 2007 Issue 1

Message from the District Governor

Alfred Herzing, who was at that time a Vice-President of Toastmasters International, paid an unscheduled visit to Singapore in 1999. At a club meeting at which I was fortunate enough to be present, he gave a short presentation on “Toastmasters Changes Lives”.

He gave three examples of members, whose lives had been changed because of Toastmasters. One was of a flight attendant, who, after fifteen years of flying decided on a change of career. She applied for an administrative post and at the candidates’ interview, spoke of her Toastmasters experience.

In learning to communicate, she had learnt to listen, to think and to speak.

In serving as a club and district officer, she had learned about goal-setting, planning and implementation. She had learnt to organize and to co-ordinate. She had learnt time management. She had learnt about team-building and team work.

In serving as a mentor to new members, she had learnt to motivate and to encourage.

She got the job.

But, we do not have to look far for examples of Toastmasters changing lives. Earlier this year, Foong Yin, my club’s Vice-President Membership applied for the position of aide-de-camp to the President of Singapore and at an interview for the post had spoken at length of Toastmasters and of her participation in the Communication and Leadership program.

At the end of the interview, one of the interviewers asked, “So, if I ask you to give a speech now, you will be able to do it?” She confidently answered “Yes”.

She got the job, and on the 22nd May, 2007, she was featured in an article in the local newspapers as the only female aide-de-camp to the President of Singapore to be recruited from the Civil Defence Force.

When Foong Yin first joined the club, I had thought her to be quiet and reserved. But, today, she is an active member of our club committee and an organizer of several club events.

Toastmasters prepare us for the opportunities that present themselves. We acquire “vital tools that promote self-actualization”, shaping ourselves to be the men and women we want to be. Skills that allow us to shape ourselves and shape our world.

Michael Wee, DTM

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