2009/2010 Newsletter Issue 3
Tampines Changkat Toastmasters’ 17th Anniversary on 17th January 2010
We, members of Tampines Changkat Toastmasters, celebrated our Sensational Seventeenth Birthday at Aloha Changi Biggin Hill Bungalow C.
The Organising Committee Chairman, Thomas Tan, together with his very able and creative team members; Shaun Li, Wong Foong Yin and Kelvin Cheng, gave us an incredibly FUN TIME! We had games that not only tickled our imagination and funny bones, they also made us work our brains!!! We had a delicious spread of food that not only looked delectable enough to devour, it was absolutely scrumptious and more than satiated our hunger pangs!
Participants were cracking heads.
"Happy BirthDay To You!"
Best of all, was the fantastic camaraderie amongst our club members & friends.
On this special occasion, we also found time to recognize the efforts of our charter members; Michael Wee, Chong Cheng Lee and Edward See. They were each presented with a special award, in recognition and appreciation of putting their hearts and souls (and hopefully will continue to do so indefinitely) into the club all these years.
Our Charter Members; Michael Wee, Chong Cheng Lee and Edward See
International Speech and Tables Topics Contests on 4th February 2010
A resounding applause for Tony Hoo and Edward See! Our Champions!!!
On 4th February 2010, after a tough round at the International Speech Contest,
Tony Hoo’s “I will be there always for you” brought tears to our eyes and stirred our hearts. He knocked out the competition hands down and emerged our International Speech Contest Champion.
Meanwhile, at the Table Topics Contest, Edward tackled the question, “Age is just a number. Agree or disagree?” with poise, confidence, excellent use of vocal variety and flamboyant gestures. It was a beautifully-delivered presentation. With that performance, Edward See clinched the title of Table Topics Contest Champion!
As for the other contestants, you gave Tony & Edward a run for their money. Kudos to all of you for putting up a valiant effort!
Award presentation to our Club International Speech Champion, Tony Hoo
Award presentation to our Club International Speech 1st Runner-Up, Shaun Li
Winners of International Speech Contest
Champion: Tony Hoo
1st Runner-Up: Shaun Li
2nd Runner-Up: Susan Seah
Winners of Table Topics Contest
Champion: Edward See
1st Runner-Up: Chong Cheng Lee
2nd Runner-Up: Lee Jin Hwui
Champion: Tony Hoo
1st Runner-Up: Shaun Li
2nd Runner-Up: Susan Seah
Winners of Table Topics Contest
Champion: Edward See
1st Runner-Up: Chong Cheng Lee
2nd Runner-Up: Lee Jin Hwui
Division S Area S4 International Speech and Table Topics Contests 2010
Lecture Theatre 24 of the School of Design at Temasek Polytechnic was the venue of the keenest fought contest yet! Our contenders were the best of the best in their respective clubs in Area S4. They were confident, well-prepared and raring to go!
During their presentation, they gave all that they could give and them some more.
They belted out everything they had in their arsenal and then some more.
In the International Speech Contests:
They enticed us with titles like:
‘Life, it is a great teacher’ – Wee Yang of Changi-Simei
‘Dare to be yourself’ – Lay Hong of Ulu Pandan
‘Standing Tall’ –Tony Hoo of Tampines Changkat
‘Life is a Roller-Coaster ride’ – Haydee Plenos of Yokogawa
‘Forget me Not - Neranja of Temasek Polytechnic
Our contestants did not have it easy during the Table Topics contest either! They had to bear their souls and divulge ‘What lies ahead of you’ in their presentations.
There was blood, sweat and tears! (ok ok, I exaggerate). It was a well-fought battle! Nonetheless, they came out of it exhausted but satisfied that they had done their best. Their fate laid in the lands of the judges!
They, in turn, did not actually have it any easier. They had to pick the crème de la crème. You wonder how could they do it?
Well, they did it! And agreed with Haydee Plenos of Yokogawa “Life is a Roller-Coaster Ride” and sent her on her own roller-coaster ride to represent Area S4 in the International Speech Contest. Edward See of Tampines Changkat was asked, “What lies ahead of you?”
We do not need a crystal ball to tell him that representing Area S4 Division S Table Topics Contest lies ahead for him!
It will be a walk on a very familiar park! Let’s root for him and wish him the best in going all the way and win!!!
Winners of International Speech Contest
Champion: Haydee Plenos (Yokogawa)
1st Runner-Up: Neranja (Temasek Polytechnic)
2nd Runner-Up Tony Hoo (Tampines Changkat)
Winners of Table Topics Contest
Champion: Edward See (Tampines Changkat)
1st Runner-Up: Ruth Komathi (Temasek Polytechnic)
2nd Runner-Up: Haydee Plenos (Yokogawa)
Winners of International Speech Contest
Champion: Haydee Plenos (Yokogawa)
1st Runner-Up: Neranja (Temasek Polytechnic)
2nd Runner-Up Tony Hoo (Tampines Changkat)
Winners of Table Topics Contest
Champion: Edward See (Tampines Changkat)
1st Runner-Up: Ruth Komathi (Temasek Polytechnic)
2nd Runner-Up: Haydee Plenos (Yokogawa)
The Day has Ended
- Article contributed by Michael Wee, DTM
It is the evening of the term, a time for reflection and a time to review and to share what I have learnt.
I have found that honesty is not a weakness. It is a source of great strength. Honesty builds character. Character builds trust and trust builds true friendship.
Accept that we cannot be good at everything. Be prepared to rely on people with expertise we don’t have.
Know people through what they do, not what they say. Find good people to work with. In this age of hype and spin, it is important that us be able to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Do not spend time worrying about what people may think and say about us. Truth is hard to suppress.
Albert Einstein wrote, "Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value." Hold on to our values. In times of misfortune, they are a source of comfort and strength.
Never be afraid to try and never be afraid of making mistakes. People are generally willing to forgive occasional mistakes.
Learn from the mistakes.
And now the time has come to move on. But from this ending, we shall draw wisdom; and, with wisdom we shall face new beginnings.
This day has ended.
It is closing upon us even as the water-lily upon its own tomorrow.
What was given us here we shall keep….
And if our hands should meet in another dream we shall build another tower in the sky.
- Kahlil Gibran
Immediate Past President
Someone’s Speaking, Who’s Listening?
- Aticle contributed by Coen Tan, CC, CL
At a toastmaster meeting, someone is speaking at the lectern and the meeting proceeds as usual. There’s nothing unusual going on here. Unfortunately, what I have observed is that what has become very usual is that when the speakers were presenting their speech at the lectern, more than 50% of the audience not looking at the speakers! At a recent club I visited, members of the audience, well dressed and professional looking ladies and gentlemen, were busy with their mobile phones, or staring into space, probably thinking about what we have not completed in the office, or whether our kids are doing their homework.
Since we are all busy people, why do we come to Toastmasters? Listening to a Project 9 or Project 10 is not like listening to an Anthony Robbins or even Adam Khoo (but you would listen attentively if you paid a bomb to listen to them, won’t you??) But here in Toastmasters, we are here to better ourselves, both as communicators and as people. Therefore, if the speakers have the courage to step up to speak, and have prepared painstakingly for their projects, surely, they are worth 5 – 7 minutes of our attention?
As toastmasters, whether it is our first speech, or our twenty-first speech, we would still experience the all too familiar butterflies in the stomach. You and I both know that we must look for friendly faces in the audience. But what if there are none to be found? I am sure we have also gone through our fair share of unresponsive and disinterested audience, and that can be quite discouraging, isn’t it? When you’re feeling nervous, and you breathing is getting shallower and more rapid, it would feel good to have a supportive audience giving you pleasing eye contact, encouraging smiles and silently cheering you on, wouldn’t it?
I must admit that I am not free from the clutches of technology, as I have a tendency to reach for the Blackberry to check for incoming mail. However, when I am at a chapter meeting, I always make the effort to give the speakers the fullest attention possible. What I personally do as I listen to speeches is that I subconsciously reflect, “Where is the speaker coming from? What’s his / her purpose? What’s his / her biggest fear? How would I do differently if I were him / her?”
Being a good audience is also a matter of good manners. We are commonly taught that for communication to take place there must be a speaker, and a listener. Therefore, as audiences, we make up 50% of the communication process and our role cannot be taken lightly! Toastmasters’ Mission is to develop our Communication & Leadership skills in a Supportive and Conducive Environment, therefore, is it not our responsibilities to be attentive audiences and show support? Why wait to be Project Evaluators in order to “learn listening skills”? As members of the audience, we can actively practice our listening skills too!
Author and speaker Jim Rohn says, “One of the greatest gifts you can give anyone is the gift of attention.” Dear reader, remember that the next time you attend a Toastmasters Chapter Meeting, be fully present, not only in person, but also give the speakers your fullest attention. As they have given their best, shouldn’t they deserve the Best from us too?
The next time somebody’s speaking, ask yourself “who is listening?”
Coen Tan, CC, CL
Vice-President (Education)
Member-Get-Member Programme

This is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
Step 1 - Bring a friend to our Club.
Step 2 - Your friend pays the registration and membership fees.
Step 3 - You receive a $10 voucher.
Do You Know???
Our Club Presidents,
Here they are:
Serial No
Year of Service
President's Name
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Phillip Ng
Edward See
Steven Lim
Chong Cheng Lee
Michael Wee
Andrew Chen
Ho Chee Mun
Thomas Tan
Daniel Goh
Judy McBurney
Bruno Pereira
Virginia Wong
Nathaniel Koh
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Michael Wee
2009-2010 (Current)
Chia Choon Kiat
Executive Committee for the term 2010/2011
Would you like to get an inkling of what it fells like to be a leader?
Would you like to discover your potential as a leader?
Would you like to flex your leadership ‘muscles’?
If yes to any of the above, step right up and volunteer to be in our next Executive Committee for the term 2010/2011.
This is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn leadership skill and also to uncover your leadership potential.
‘Knowing is not enough, we must apply.
Willing is not enough, we must do.’
– Goethe
Do not Procrastinate! Unleash your Potential!
Tampines Changkat Toastmasters Club is now in Twitter!
Now you can also find Tampines Changkat Toastmasters Club in Twitter (https://twitter.com/TampChangkat)!
Let's us all join the tweeting party!
An interviewed with our 2009/2010 Area S4 and Club Humorous Speech Contest Champion, Ms. Ng Luan Eng.
How did you feel when you were declared the Champion for the Club Humorous Speech contest?
To tell the truth, before the contest, I was most afraid of not performing my best but surprisingly during my speech, the response from the audience was extremely positive, I had many ‘small’ and ‘big’ laugher points throughout my speech. I was participating in our club’s Humorous Speech Contest for the third time. I came in second runner-up during the previous contest. I was also given the chance to represent the club in the Area Contest. But this time when it announced, that I came in Champion, I was overjoyed!
Did you have any advisor(s) for your speech?
Yes, I must thank Cheng Lee and Monica who helped me with the script at the club level. Especially Cheng Lee corrected my grammar and ideas. Monica suggested that the title “Why speak like that?” was more appropriate for my speech and even analysed my script. Both of them gave me very constructive suggestions and feedback.
How did you prepare for the Area S4 Humorous Speech Contest and how did you feel when you were announced the Champion of the Contest?
After winning the Club Contest, I sought feedback from Seh Leng, Rebecca Lee and Jenny Au and further help from other club members,like Virgina, Emmanuel and Jin Hwee. All of them were very forth-coming with their assistance and definitely helped to fine-tune my script. I would like to express my gratitude to all of them. Without them, I would not have clenched the Area S4 Contest.
What is you interest/hobby?
I used to be a very sporty person during my younger days. I played tennis for leisure, played squash and ran competively. I did try golf and archery, but golf was too expensive for me. I love jogging and mountain climbing. Nowadays due to a lack of time and some injuries, my sporting activities have been reduced. Recently I picked up swimming, but jogging is still my passion.
Besides sports, what do you enjoy doing?
I like to travel and take photographs.
Where had you traveled to?
I have been to countries like Japan, Egypt, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea, Indonesia, Australia, China and cities like London and Paris.
What was your favourite?
Hokkaido, in winter. It was minus 15 degrees Celsius and it was the first time I had experienced winter. Everywhere was covered with thick white snow. It was magical in the evenings, I especially enjoyed the hot spring in the open air with the snow peppering my hair. A unique experience! One that I could not enjoy in Singapore! Best of all, I could enjoy my favourite food, ‘sushimi’ prepared by the skilful Japanese chefs.
How did you get to know about Toastmasters Club?
In the early 90s, I enrolled in a public speaking course conducted by Augustine Lee, DTM at the NUS Extra Media Study. Followed by a club memebership at Braddell Heights Toastmasters Club. I was staying in Hougang then.
As I was busying with my studies during that period, I left the club after completing my project 1. I moved to Tampines in 2000. One weekend in 2007 while I was having my breakfast at block 138, a Tampines Changkat Community Club Passion card promoter introduced Passion card to me. From him, I got to know that there is a Toastmasters Club in Tampines Changkat Community Club. Thinking of brushing up my public speaking skill again, I became a PAssion card member and also signed up as a Tampines Changkat Toastmaster!
2009/2010 Area S4 and Club Humorous Speech Contest Champion,
Ms. Ng Luan Eng
Our Ribbon Winners
369th Chapter Meeting – 7/1/2010
Best Speaker
Tony Hoo, CC
Best Evaluator
Coen Tan, CC, CL
Best Table Topics Speaker
Virginia Wong, ACB
370th Chapter Meeting – 21/1/2010
Best Table Topics Speaker
371st Chapter Meeting – 18/2/2010
Best Speaker
Vera Wee, ACB, ALS
Best Speaker
Tony Hoo, CC
Best Evaluator
Coen Tan, CC, CL
Best Table Topics Speaker
Virginia Wong, ACB
370th Chapter Meeting – 21/1/2010
Best Table Topics Speaker
371st Chapter Meeting – 18/2/2010
Best Speaker
Vera Wee, ACB, ALS
(from Changi-Simei TMC)
Best Evaluator
David Kow, ACB, CL
Best Evaluator
David Kow, ACB, CL
(from Tiarel TMC)
372nd Chapter Meeting – 4/3/2010
Best Speaker
Tony Hoo, CC
Best Evaluator
Kok Yee Keong, CC
373rd Chapter Meeting – 18/3/2010
Best Speaker
Kenneth Koh
Best Evaluator
Best Table Topics Speaker
Virginia Wong, ACS, CL
372nd Chapter Meeting – 4/3/2010
Best Speaker
Tony Hoo, CC
Best Evaluator
Kok Yee Keong, CC
373rd Chapter Meeting – 18/3/2010
Best Speaker
Kenneth Koh
Best Evaluator
Best Table Topics Speaker
Virginia Wong, ACS, CL
We Welcome our New Members:
Daniel Lim
Kenneth Koh
Daniel Lim
Kenneth Koh
1) Cameroon Highlands Trip from 9th -11th April (Fri – Sun).
For more details, please contact Michael Wee HP: 97727882 Email: waterdragon@pacific.net.sg or
Kelvin Cheng HP: 97989595 Email: kelvinchp@yahoo.com.
2) Division S International Speech & Table Topics Contests on 17/4/2010 (Saturday)
Venue: Ngee Soon East Community Club
Time: 1.30pm – 5.00pm
3) Craft a Winning Speech Workshop on 8/5/2010 (Saturday)
Time: 1.30pm – 5.00pm
Investment: S$10 for Toastmaster S$12 for Non-Toastmaster
Limited Seats! Please contact Foong Yin (HP: 91544238 Email: jian78@singnet.com.sg) to grab a seat!
4) Tampines Changkat Annual General Meeting 2010 on 20/5/2010 (Thursday)
Time: 7.30pm
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Take Care & See you!
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