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Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Tampines Changkat Toastmasters Officers Installation Night for term 2009-2010

Every year, as required by our club's constitution, a new team of executive committee is selected by the majority of club members at an AGM held earlier.

This year, we have a new and strong line of new members who's stepped up to serve our club. And they have stepped up to serve the club because I believe they have gained something useful from the club and therefore they feel that they are now ready to serve the club and its members. In my words, Toastmasters is about Friendship, Education and Service.

It was an evening of tradition, of honour and of recognition as is usual in our club. It was also an evening of fun and laughter which is always found in our club meetings. We had a great turn out of 60 members and guests.

We also had our invited speaker, Nick French, speaking to us on "It's fun to by funny!" It was educational, enlightening and entertaining.

To watch videos of each segment of the evening, click on the respective links below.
1. Discharge of the out-going executive committee
2. Installation of the in-coming executive committee
3. President's inaugural address
4. Nick French's talk "It's fun to by funny!" Part 1
5. Nick French's speech "Live like a Lion!"
6. Nick French's talk "It's fun to by funny!" Part 2
7. President's closing address

Enjoy the videos!

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