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Saturday, 4 July 2009

8 Steps to Your Successful Job Hunt Event Speech

Ladies and gentlemen , I’d like all of you to do this. Close your eyes. Yes. Close your eyes and imagine your dream job. Yes, your dream job. The job that you’d love to do and do with love.

Now, open your eyes. What is your dream job? What does it look like? Is it a job that allows you to have a jet setting lifestyle, flying from country to country – speaking, consulting or carrying out charitable missions?

Or is it a job that helps people and businesses solve problems or build things? Is providing solutions to customers your cup of tea?

What about a job with unlimited salary upside? Do you like working with people? Do you want your work to have flexible timing?

But let’s face reality – some of you might say. All these are ideal jobs. The world is facing the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. There are more redundancies than we can say the Great Singapore Sale.

The real question is, is a downturn really so pessimistic? Does it really affect your long term career?

I believe what’s really important in upturns and downturns is the skills that you offer to your employers. Have you heard that companies are hiring despite the downturn? Yes. Have you read in the news that companies are still investing in this crisis? Yes. The truth is, businesses and employers are seeking opportunities today. Are you offering opportunities to employers?

And if you are ready to offer employers something useful, are you able to communicate your skill sets to them? Are you able to communicate your strengths well? Because with all the knowledge you possess that gives you an unfair advantage, it’ll be very disappointing if you can’t flaunt it. Life’s fair, isn’t it?

Therefore, we need communication skills. We need a workshop to show us all how we can be equipped with the right skills to clinch that job that is no longer a dream. This workshop is about your career. It is about moving ahead. It is a life skill you cannot afford not to learn. Are you taking action for your future now?

And to show you this invaluable know-how, we have a world-class speaker to show us how.

Mr. Lee Jin Hwui, DTM, is a Human Resource Professional with more than 7 years of experience in Job Evaluation, Learning Needs Analysis and Training Delivery. Jin Hwui conducts training on Performance Management, Resume Writing and Interviewing Techniques.

He is a Certified “Big 5” Psychometric Profiling Consultant, a Certified Professional Resume Writer and a Certified Employment Interview Professional. He is also a Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Jin Hwui has also contributed articles for The Straits Times Recruit, JobStreet.com and The Port Officer.

Jin Hwui was recently conferred the coveted title of Human Resource Professional by the Singapore Human Resources Institute in recognition of his experience and expertise in the field of Human Resources.

My dear friends, with such a powerful and qualified speaker, are you taking action to attend this workshop?

At the end of this workshop, my vision is seeing all participants engaged with Jin Hwui. My vision is seeing you leaving with satisfaction and a smile on your face, knowing you are ready to shape your future.

To end off, there are always opportunities in downturns – are you seeking them? Don’t like your job? Are you still dreaming or are you pursuing your dream now? Do you have the knowledge and skills to communicate your ideas and skills to employers, businesses and customers?

Take action now! Come to our event, 8 Steps to Your Successful Job Hunt, this Saturday at 1.30pm, right here at this CC. For more information, speak to my team – Tony, Shaun and Kelvin.

Finally, I leave you with a quote. “Fortune favours those with dreams. Success favours those who take action.”

Toastmaster of the Evening!

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