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Sunday, 11 November 2007

318th Chapter Meeting, Table Topic: If there is one thing you can change in history, what would it be and why?

Foreword by President

Dear members, I am in no doubt that Tampines Changkat Toastmasters is one of the best clubs in Singapore if not in the entire District 80.

That our club is great simply because of one reason - we have some of the best Toastmasters in the District.

Especially for our newer members, as you come for chapter meetings, you'd start to meet those gems amongst us - members who have benefited from the Toastmasters program, and who are not only professionals in their own fields but they have also demonstrated clearly their ability to address an audience.

I am proud to reproduce a Table Topic speech here by Jin Hwui, our seasoned member and who is, as you will realise from his speech below, a gem indeed amongst us. And for those of you who knows The Gettysburg Address by President Abraham Lincoln, considered one of the most influential speeches of all time, will find that Jin Hwui's speech, while brief, and thought of on the spot, carries that same intellect, wisdom, and motivation that I'm sure so deeply moved his audience that night.

As President of our club, I continue to encourage you, members, to attend our meetings. Reach out to those gems amongst us. Learn from them, consult them, seek advice from them. Because in no time, you will become as polished a Toastmaster as them.

And as a member of our club, I can only enjoy each and every chapter meeting that our club offers us.

With permission from Jin Hwui

Table Topics Master, Mr President, District Officers, Ladies and Gentlemen. World history is certainly a lot more interesting than my personal history and that's what I will be focusing on for this topic. Historical events can be categorised into two broad categories - Good Events and Bad Events. For obvious reasons, should there be anything I want to change, it will come from the Bad Events category. In any case, people generally tend to remember the bad news better than the good news - thus the saying "Good news never last and bad news travel fast."

Over the course of our history, there gave been numerous bad news. The 2 World Wars, the Great Depression, Genocides in Africa, Cambodia, Famine, Floods, Natural Disasters, just to name a few. People have suffered throughout these unfortunate happenings - resulting either of nature's or man's doing, bringing about fears, hunger, deaths, desperation and more.

Yet inspite of these, I would chose not to change anything. The ability to alter history notwithstanding. This is because, I believe that this world thrives on balance. With deprivation, comes appreciation; with disasters, comes great fortune; with grief, comes love. I believe there are no coincidences in this world. Everything that happens, happened for a reason. It is in the case of the Bad Events that happened, that propelled us to greater heights of human achievements. For it is not what happened to us that determines our destiny. Our destiny lies in what we choose to do everyday of our lives and in every situation that life unfolds before us.

Ladies and Gentlemen.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:16 pm

    Great table topics content! I appreciate Jin Hwui's spontaneous speech. Thanks for sharing.
